Optimization 1: Copy of Item Specifics information is supported when performing CopyAs cross eBay sites. The attributes which are supported will be pre-filled as value, otherwise, the attributes and values will be regarded as custom attributes.
Optimization 2: Copy of Variations information is supported when performing CopyAs cross eBay sites. Sellers don't need to re-set variations information
.Updated on 2018.09.27
Easy to turn ON/OFF best offer in bulk.
Easy to set best offer pricing rules based on fixed pricing.
Updated on 2018.09.21
Summary: For active listings, sellers may create a new batch task Revise Available QTY By SKU to revise available quantity according to specified SKU including variation SKU.
Use Cases: For example, if some SKU sold out, sellers can easilly revise to 0 by specified SKU here.
Updated on 2018.09.08
Optimization 1: Support applying to listing template when using Import/Export Active Listings(General Revision) feature.
Optimization 2: Support updating the values of main images and display type of images when using Import/Export Listing Templates (General Revision) feature.
Optimization 3: Add three fiters (Category IDs, Item Location, Start Time) for Exporting Active Listing Task.
Optimization 4: Add new Source Type (Listings and Related Listing Templates) for Exporting Multiple Variations Task.
Updated Time: 2018.09
* Display some statistic data for QTY/Amount, including Total Sold Within 31 Days, Selling Limits and Monthly Limits Left.
* If you can't see the section, please click eBay Account Summary icon in the bottom of the page, and make sure to display the section.
Updated on 2018.09.08
* Support sellers to copy listing templates across CE accounts which required both of them are professional or above packages.
Step 1. Go to Admin -> Other Accounts -> Other CE Account, click on "Add" button to bind another CE account. Pls kindly note, using admin account/password to authorize it.
Step 2. Go back to eBay->Listing Templates page, tick off some of listint templates and then select Copy To Other CE Account action.
Step 3. In the prompt window, select the destinated CE account and enter the destinated eBay account. Click on save buttion, system will create a batch task to process the cross copy task.
Step 4. Click on Reload button to check the progress of the batch task.
Step 5. Meanwhile, you may check the batch task in the list by clicking on eBay -> Summary -> Batch Tasks
Updated Time: 2018.08.02
User Case: Search Variation SKU. Once get the retrival listings / listing templates, users may tick off them and edit them in bulk. Or export them to edit off-line in future.
Updated Time: 2018.08.02
Functions: Update description values of active listings to eBay Platform.
Revision Scope: CE Cross Promotion, Item Description, CE Description Template, Title in Descripion Template, Images in Description Template, Payment / Shipping / Return Policy / About Us Descriptions.
Note: Only update values from CE to eBay. Do Not support update values from eBay to CE
User Case A: Update Title in Description Template
Some sellers who are using CE description templates may removed some sensitive keyword in title. But this remove action cannot apply to the title in description template in time. In order to avoid voilating eBay policy, sellers may using this refresh task to apply the new title to description of active listings.
User Case B: Apply Cross Promotion to eBay Platform
If Sellers add or update CE Cross Promotion, the new cross promotion cannot applied to eBay active listings in time. In order to applied to eBay active listings quickly, sellers may use this feature to refresh it.
User Case C: Update Images Links
Some sellers migrated their listings from CE A to CE B account. But some images in description may be hosted still at CE A account on eBay plateform.This feature can refresh images links from CE A to CE B.
Updated Time: 2018.08.02
* Support revising Description Template, Item Description, and policies description which are displayed in CE basic templates including Payment, Shipping, Return Policies, About Us.
* Support applying profile name or entering HTML code to revise policy descriptions.
Pls kindly note, the feature is only for listings/listing templates which using or to be using CE New basic templates.
Step 1: Pls go Summary -> Excel Export/Import, then click on Export button and choose Export Description task type.
Step 2: Choose which listing/listing templates to be exported.
Step 3: Download the exported file. Modify Template ID value by referring to the 2nd sheet, modify item description by entering HTML code directly, modify the policies description by entering HTML code or entering profile name by referring to the 3rd sheet.
Step 4: Save the excel file and import it. CE system will revise the value to CE and apply to eBay plateform at the same time.
Update Time: 2018.06.04
International Return: Return Policy is subdevided into Domestic and International return policy. The old values of return policy settings will be auto-applied to domestic return policy.
Return Description: This field contains the seller's detailed explanation for their return policy. The value is valid in only DE, ES, FR, IT site.
Return Within: Most eBay sites and categories support 30-day and 60-day return periods. Categories that will continue have the option to offer 14-day returns include Collectibles & Art, Cameras & Photo and Medical, Mobility & Disability Equipment. (Pls kindly note, eBay still allow sellers to choose 3-day, 7-day, 14-day cause the mandatory date is about mid of Aug. )
Return Paid By: Specifies either the buyer or the seller as the party who pays for return shipping charges.
Return Option: Only valid for US site. You can set this value to either MoneyBack or MoneyBackOrReplacement. The old value MoneyBackOrExchange will be removed. Pls choose MoneyBackOrReplacement option instead of MoneyBackOrExchange option.
Restocking Fee: Remove restocking fee. Sellers do not need to remove since system can auto-remove it.
Required return policy settings: Most categories on most eBay sites require the seller to clearly specify whether or not returns are accepted. eBay India (IN), Australia (AU), and US eBay Motors Parts and Accessories categories typically support but do not require a return policy. (However, we strongly recommend that you specify a clear return policy whenever possible.)
On some European sites, accepted values of both domestic and internation return are required: On the eBay DE, IE, and UK, registered business sellers must accept returns for fixed-price items (including auction items with Buy It Now and any other fixed price formats) when the category requires a return policy. Note, some sellers on UK site have already happened failed launching /revising cause of not tick off international return policy.
Revision restrictions: If the listing has bids or sales and it ends within 12 hours, you can't change the return policy details. If the listing is a GTC listing that has sales or ends within 12 hours, you can add a return policy to the GTC listing (but you can't change return policy details if already present).
Money back as the default value: Thought the return option is only valid on US site to specify MoneyBack or MoneyBackOrReplacement, in fact, Moneyback is the default value on other sites.
Return Description: Only valid in DE, ES, IE, UK site. Avoid HTML and avoid character entity references (such as & pound; or & #163;). but the literal UTF-8 or ISO-8559-1 character (e.g. £) is allowed.
Solution 1: By using ListingHelper(SingleEditor) or Basic BulkEditor(<=200 listings per time) to modify the new return policy values directly
Solution 2: (For Professional+) By using Revise Shipping Settings batch task to apply Return Policy module from preset shipping profiles.
Step 1: Go eBay -> ListingProfiles ->Shipping Services, modify return policy values.(If not specify shipping profile, you may quickly save as a new shipping profile by single revising an active listing).
Step 2: Go eBay -> Summary -> Batch Tasks, create a new Revise Shipping Settings task.
Step 3: In the next setting page, tick off "Return Policy" module and choose the modified shipping profiles. Then set the searching filters.
Step 4: Click on Save button. The task will be processed in backend. Click on "Reload" to check the progress of the task. Once the task is completed, switch to "Completed" task page to check if there are failed revision listings.
Updated Time: 2018.07.24
* Support revising item condition and condition description by creating a batch task and running the task in backend.
* Item condition values are different with eBay categories. If a user select an unsuitable value, the listing template may launch failed or the listing may revise failed.
* Condition description is NOT available for the condition value New with Tags.
Updated on 2018.07.01
1. Add searching filters: Task Status, Operators and Task Type.
2. Optimization: Only display tasks which created by the users who have the same role with the login user.
3. Supporting paging and supporting cross page selection
Updated Time: 2018.07.3
* Support revising 0-12 main pictures by enter image id via using Excel Import Export Images.
* Support setting whether use eBay Picture Server(EPS) or not. Support setting display type value for picture hosting on EPS
* Support specify 3 image folders as referring sheet to export image information
Updated on 2018.06.27
Functions: Support deleting listing templates in bulk by sepcifying basic searching filters (eBay Account, sites, listing format, SKU, Item Location, etc.) and created time and listing relation limit.
Purpose: The deletion of useless listing templates can enhance the user data retrieval time and reduce the usage space.
Reminder 1: Because the deleted data cannot be restored. We suggests that before submit and save the task, pls double check the searching filters so as not delete the useful listing templates.
Reminder 2: It cannot delete a listing templates which related to an active or scheduled listing. User may decide whether to delete a listing template which is related to an ended or removed listing.
Updated on 2018.06.27
Path: eBay -> Report -> Compliance Report
Retrieve listings which are required or recommended to be associated with an eBay Catalog Product.
* eBay is moving towards a Product-Based Shopping Experience (PBSE) in 2018.
* Beginning in mid-May 2018, some eBay categories and product brands will start requiring that sellers associate those listings with an eBay Catalog product. Or else, a create or revise listing action will be blocked.
* All listings in below product lines are required to be associated with the eBay catalog the end of April, 2018.
Category Name | Category ID | Brand | Product Examples |
Air Purifiers | 43510 | Dyson | Pure |
Audio Docks & Mini Speakers | 111694 | Jawbone* | Jambox* |
Humidifiers | 71240 | Dyson | AM Humidifier |
Internet & Media Streamers | 168058 | Amazon | Fire Stick |
Internet & Media Streamers | 168058 | Apple | TV |
Internet & Media Streamers | 168058 | Chromecast | |
Internet & Media Streamers | 168058 | Roku** | Premier/Express/1/2/3/4 |
Portable Fans | 20612 | Dyson | AM Cooling Fan |
Programmable Thermostats | 115949 | NEST* | Thermostat* |
Space Heaters | 20613 | Dyson | AM Fan Heater |
Voice-Enabled Smart Assistants | 184435 | Amazon | Echo |
Voice-Enabled Smart Assistants | 184435 | Home | |
Cell Phones | 9355 | Apple | iPhones |
Tablets | 171485 | Apple | iPads |
Retrieve listings which are missing or using invalid product identification (GTIN/MPN).
* e.g. MPN has an invalid value of "$". The UPC field is missing. UPC has an invalid value of "07350053850026".
Retrieve multi-variation listings which variations are sharing the same GTIN/MPN values
* e.g. Assigned a same valid UPC value to all variations for a multi-variation listing.
Step 1. Complete the authorization of the new eBay API. Go to Admin -> Channel Accounts -> eBay Account, Click refresh icon in eBay OAuth Token Status column.
Step 2. Creating a Product Adoption report. Go to eBay -> Report -> Compliance Report. Click on Add button and tick off eBay account(s) to generate a report.
Step 3. View and correct the listing violations. Accoriding to the report details, click on View Selected button to view these violated listings. Then click on Revise to correct them.
Note, it may retrieve all active listings including listings that are not existed in CE system.(e.g. N/A to flag these listings)
Update Time: 2018.05.02
To ship throughSpeedPAK Logistic, choose below shipping services to launch:
To ship throughNon-SpeedPAK Logistic, choose below shipping services to launch:
To ship througheDS Logistic, choose below shipping services to launch:
Solution 1: Using Excel Import / Export to make revisions(Pro+ package or subscribe eBay Import/Export add-on)
Solution 2: Using Batch Task - Revise Shipping Settings to make revisions. (Pro+ or subscribe Batch Task Toolkit)
Sulotion 3: Basic Bulker Editor(Limit to 200 listings per time)
Updated Time: 2018.04.18
Modify most frequently-needed information by using export/import to excel files
Support special characters (e.g. German/French characters in Title, Chinese characters in SKU)
With the powerful editing mode of excel, e.g. Excel formula, easily edit the values of items
With special API to revise QTY/Price enven if your monthly Quota has reach the maximum.
* Export/Import Active Listings/Listing Templates: Off-line revise Title, SKU, Price, Available QTY, Handling Time, UPC.
* Export/Import Mulitple Variations: Support add/remove variations; support off-line revise variation SKU, Price, Available QTY.
* Export/Import QTY/Price: A special revision which may successfully revise price/available QTY enven the monthly quota reaches the maximum limitations
* Export/Import Shipping Service: Support off-line revise domestic/international shipping services, shipping cost,etc., ...
* Import Copy Listing Templates: Quickly copy as similar listing templates with specified ID.
Updated Time: 2018.02.01
1. For sellers who are selling on Vehicle Parts & Accessories Categories.
2. Allows sellers in a single listing to display all vehicls which can be compatible with the selling parts or accessory.
3. Help buyers quickly find out the item is whether fit for their models, thus reducing the problems and disputes after sales.
4. Can increase the exposure rate of listings.
Create New or Revise Action, The Item Compatibility is at the bottom of Title & Category section in listing helper page. Click on Configure to set the values of compatibility.
For Active listings with existed compatiblity values, tick off these listings and click on the action of Sync from eBay to synchronize back the values to CE. (Recommendation: Tick off both of options of "Exclude the following information while updating existed listings" ).
Create New Listing by Importing an Item ID, system will auto pulls the value of compatibility.
Updated Time: 2018.01.12
Updated Time: 2018.01.10
Update Time: 2018.01.05
Sellers which subscribed and enabled CRM, can export their customers info to CSV file and launch offline marketing activities.
Update Time: 2018.01.05
* International Shipping Service in eBay Singapore site was N/A before. Currently, it is available.
* Sellers may set international shipping services in eBay SGP site. That means, Non-Local buyers can make transactions in eBay SGP site.
Update Time: 2018.01.05
* Suport only parts of shipping info to be revised. (Domestic Shipping Services, International Shipping Services, Handling Time, Exclude Ship-to Location, Return Policy)
* Easy to remove international shipping service.
* Support revise shipping settings for some listings which shipping from specified location.
Step 1: Click on eBay -> Listing Profiles -> Shipping services, then revise Exclude Ship-To Location or create a new shipping service with exclude ship-to location info.
Step 2: Click on eBay -> Summary -> Batch Tasks, Add a new Revise Shipping Settings task.
Step 3: Click on Next button and tick off Exclude Ship-To Location and choose the profiles to be applied.
Step 4: Specify search filter to choose which listings/listing templates to be revised.
Step 5: Click on "Save" and sbumit the batch task to background. System will process your task request.
Step 6: Click on "Reload" button to check the status of your task.
If a seller ship their goods to overseas warehouse and only shipping to local buyers, seller may tick off Turn Off International Shipping Service to exclude non-local buyers place orders.
Meanwhile, seller may use another batch action: Revise Item Location to update in batch and let buyers know your items in local.
Update Time: 2017.10.28
Update Time: 2017.10.28
According to eBay Link Policy and Update industry requirements for secure content - HTTPS announcement, CE enhanced Remove Active Content batch task to help sellers to corrected description content by removing illegal links, non-HTTPS and converting non-HTTPS with specified domain keyword to HTTPS.
* Convert Old CE Image URL To Https: Tick it off, if you are using CE hosting images URLs on the description directly(Copy/Paste CE hosting image URL to description). We will convert those image URLs to HTTPS enabled URLs. This option will not apply to images URL that you got from right click images from CE system because they are not the correct way for refering your images.
* Convert To Https Images: Please confirm your 3rd-party image hosting service provider and make sure their server support HTTPS protocol. If they do support HTTPS, please tick it off and provide the domain name of the 3rd-party image hosting server for filtering URLs from description, for example: pics.ebaystatic.com. System will convert matching URLs to HTTPS URLs. If you use multiple 3rd-party image hosting services, you can use ,(comma) to separate those keywords.
* Remove Links Violated eBay Link Policy: Tick it off, it will remove links which violate eBay Link Policy (include mailto: link). Some links are in eBay white list are allowed and won’t be removed. Such as some eBay internal links and some links when linking to Product Videos, Freight Shipping Services, Other legally required information.
* Remove Non-Https Images: Tick it off, it will remove images and external style sheet if hosting URLs are not HTTPS enabled. To align with new industry security standards, eBay will begin exclusively using the HTTPS communications protocol to send and receive information between your desktop browser or mobile device and our site from October, 2017.
Updated Time: 2017.09.20
Easy to revise handling time. Very suitable for the requirement of adjust handling time.
Updated Time: 2017.09.28
The feature will help users validate listings/listing templates based on selected options. After execution, you can view data that didn't pass validation from Failed status.
* Missing Attribute in Item Specify or Variation: Validate if certain attribute specified on item specific or variation. For example, you can enter size value to "Missing attribute name" textbox and specify search filters. System will validate if listings/listing templates specified size attribute on item specifics/variation.
* URL Checking in Description: This validation includes checking old CE description template, links voilated eBay Link Policy, non-https images and external style sheet
* Deleted Images Referred in item: Validate listings/listing templates not using deleted images. Listings/listing templates used deleted images will fail the validation.
Updated Time: 2017.09.20
* Support increase / decrease auction price, fixed price, variation price based on the original price.
* Support clear Auction Buy-It-Now Price and Auction Reserve Price to saving additonal listing fee.
* Support adjust price by two ways: Pencentage, Currency.
* Only display subscribed sites currencies.
Updated Time: 2017.09.20
Export variations information to CSV file. Sellers may Add/Delete/Update variations Off-line.
Update Action: Support editing SKU, Quantity, Price, GTIN(UPC/EAN/ISBN). Please be kindly noted, it is required to set EditQuantity=Yes to make sure Quantity value is effective. If EditQuantity=No, even Quantity value is changed, it won't be updated to system. To revise other columns, just need to update the values.
Delete Action: We recommend to check the sold Qty value before remove a variation. According to eBay revising rules, variations with sales cannot be removed. If Sold QTY =0, sellers may set Delete action to the variation.
Add Action: To add a variation, we recomment Copy/Past existed variations first, then revise the values of VariationNameValue / SKU / Price / Quantity. Don't need to enter values of EditQuantity, Available/Sold QTY, Currency. Be kindly noted, VariationNameValue and SKU need to be changed after copy/pates. Or else, they will be duplicated with existed variations which make import failed.
Updated Time: 2017.09.08
* eBay some catogries support using Blundle Label to mark bundled listings. Using this attribute may increase exposure.
* If a listing include a set of products, check if there is a "Bundled Listing" attribute in item specifics. If display the attribute, it means this category support Bundle Lable when searching on eBay sites. Pls set the value to Yes to increase the exposure.
Updated Time: 2017.08.14
when adding listing templates to a shortcut, system will skip blocked listing templates.
Updated Time: 2017.09.20
Suit for sellers to revise item location in bulk in case relocation warehouse.
Update Time: 2017.08.03
* Display Available/Sold QTY beside quantity when single edit an active listing.
* Not display delete icon for variations with sale since eBay revising rules do not allow to delete variations with sale.
* Available/Sold QTY are auto-synced from eBay. It may be different with real eBay value due to time difference. For example, there is a new transaction happend and sold quantity haven't sycned to CE at this time.
Update Time: 2017.8.03
1. The function can be used by eBay Store subscriber.
2. Sales are a great way to promote items in your Store. You can create sales that are seasonal, for specific holidays, for specific categories, or just to clear out inventory.
Step 1: Subscribe Store Markdown add-on by clicking on AppMarket -> Apps -> All.
Step 2: Import existed sale list by Going to eBay -> Settings -> eBay Markdown and clicking on Sync Markdown from eBay.
Step 3: Manager sale list in CE system. For example, create a new sale list, remove listings from an active sale.
Stpe 4: Go to eBay -> Listings -> Active Listings, choose Current Price column to be displayed in table list to see the discount price and original price.
Update Time: 2017.07.16
Optimal Points: Add a new option for users to tick off whether to apply a new selected description template to listings/listing templates without CE description templates.
Use Case 1. For new CE registered users, they may want to import all active listings from eBay to CE system, and then apply a CE description template to these imported active listings.
Use Case 2. Some sellers use their own discription template, they don't want to these listing description be updated. So, just do NOT tick off Apply to listings/listing templates without description templates.
updated Time: 2017.07.16
Optimization: Support batch remove active content to specified item IDs.
Use case: users may copy paste detected eBay Item IDs which contain active content from eBay Mails to specified eBay Items IDs text area, and system only remove active content for these specified active listings
Update Time: 2017.06.16
1. If listing templates refered to an expired category, it may be launch failed when submitting to eBay.Just pls specify a new category.
2. If listing templates/ listings refered to an expired category, the selected catogiry may be lost when revising them. Just pls specify a new category.
Update Time: 2017.06.14
Update Time: 2017.5.19
Quantity Type | Note |
Initial QTY | It's the initail available quantity to be launched in listing templates or available quantity to be revised in active listings The value is updated when the initial value before and after the modification is not the same |
Total QTY | = Sold QTY + Available QTY The Total QTY value is synced from eBay. Generally, after a transaction generated, it takes about 1-20 mins to be auto-sycned to CE system. |
Available QTY | = Total QTY - Sold QTY. It's calculated value according to Total QTY & Sold QTY. Generally, after a transaction generated, it takes about 1-20 mins to be auto-sycned to CE system. It may be diffeerent with eBay value in temporary. No manual handling. |
Sold QTY | = Total QTY - Available QTY. It's synced from eBay. It is the cumulative number of sales already sold. Generally, after a transaction generated, it takes about 1-20 mins to be auto-sycned to CE system. It may be diffeerent with eBay value in temporary. No manual handling. |
Updated Time: 2017.05.19
Support replace with No Active Content Template
Support remove active content which hidden in descriptions
Simple setting and backed running design to saving managerment time
Support replace to different templates by different filters.
Step 1: Add a new batch Remove Active Content task by going to eBay -> Summary -> Batch Tasks.
Step 2: Check on Replace with No Active Content. (It's necessary for sellers who are using old basic templates in active listings/listing templates )
Step 3: Suggest to check on Remove Active Content. According to recent users feedbacks, some active listings which used another 3rd party tool contain active content code.
Step 4: Specify filters on searching listings / listing templates.
Step 5: Click on Save button to running the task in backend
Note: If a listing with CE new cross promotion enabled, CE system will ONLY save the changes and NOT submit to eBay immediately. The changes will be applied to eBay on the next day schedule of CE new cross promotion.(Max Waiting Time: 0-24 hours
Limit to Starter or above packages
Update Time: 2017.04.21
1. Before creating this task, please confirm default PayPal account of related eBay account by going to Admin -> Channel Accounts -> eBay Account
.2. It will apply to all active listings and listing templates.
3. It's NOT apply to scheduled and ended listings.If you changed default PayPal account of related eBay account and the scheduled or ended listings are configured to use default PayPal account, you do not need to take any actions, CE system will launch/relist those listing by apply default PayPal account. Otherwise, you will need to double check after those listings become active and revise them if necessary.
Limit to Professional or above packages.
Update Time: 2017.04.28
Support batch REVISE DESCRIPTION TEMPLATES to no active content templates
Support batch REMOVE ACTIVE CONTENT which hidden in description
Backend task designed, saving users managerment time
1. To revise PAYMENT, SHIPPING, RETURN, ABOUTUS details, please create description profiles by going to eBay -> Listing Profiles -> Description Policies first
2. If a listing with CE new cross promotion enabled, CE system will ONLY save the changes and NOT submit to eBay immediately. The changes will be applied to eBay on the next day schedule of CE new cross promotion.
3. For not affecting normal operations on CE system, the priority of batch task is LOW. Please expect that the system will take a lot of time for finishing your task. Please be patient! if you really cannot wait, you can use listing helper or bulk edit helper instead.
Limit to Professional or above packages.
Update Time: 2017.04.28
No active content in new basic templates
Provide some mobile compatible templates, automatic adjustment to adapt to the screen
Remove old showcase promotional module which violates the eBay active content policy
Support filter templates by theme, lay-out, color features.
1. New Basic templates do NOT Contain the old showcase promotion module which violates the eBay active content policy. Once exchanged to the new basic templates, users don't need to remove it by manual, CE system will remove it automatically.
2. We will keep adding no active content basic templates.
Update Time: 2017.04.21
Support multi eBay accounts centralized management, saving management cost
Support MSG / Customer / Communication Templates Sharing
Support custom communication templates & signatures, improving communication efficiency
Support independent access control, service to the enterprise customer service
1. Message Management: Reply/Send MSG. Provide a convenient translation UI, easy to understand a MSG from buyer in unfamilar language
2. Communication Templates Management: Users can create custom communication templates and apply it to MSG. (Need to subscribe the add-on)
3. Customer Management: System auto sync Buyer account from order, users can contact buyer from order list. (Require SalesManager Enabled)
4. Signature Settings: Users may set different signatures for different eBay accounts or a default signature shared to all eBay accounts. Advice: add your eBay store URL to the signature to promote your eBay store through MSG if your eBay account subscribed an eBay store.
5. Access Control : Users may create a role just with Dashboard & CRM function, create a user login account for customer service, then assign the role to the new user login account. Thus, the customer service just can reply messages without any other actions authorization .
6. Dispute Case Management: Users may ancel transaction, processing Return/Exchange Cases. (ETA: End of March)
1. Add CRM application and CRM Communication Templates Add-on in CE AppMarket. To use the function, please subscirbe the add-ons and turn on the switch.
2. Add CRM Enabled switch on editing eBay account page (Admin -> Channel Accounts -> eBay Account).
3. Add CRM application to menu list. It's between eBay and Images. Most actions are under the menu.
4. On the creating role page (Admin -> Role), Add CRM Application in the section of Feature Control and add a new section of Permissions of CRM.
5. Add a hyperlink under each buyer user ID in the order list of SalesManager application. Click it to contact buyer by sending MSG.
Update Time: 2017.03.03
Free upgrade for CE Users, NO SSL additonal fees
Imanges hosting on CE support HTTPS URL
Multiple actions trigger description to be auto-upgraded
Provide manual upgrade action as backup upgrade solution
according to Apple announcement about Supporting App Transport Security, eBay active listings description displayed in IOS 9 may be affected on below points:
Images Hostng on CE
CE Basic Description Templates
Product Images Section on CE Basic Template
New/Old Cross Promotion Section
System Adjustments
1. Launch new listings or reschedule listings or relist ended listings, CE will upgrade your listing description to meet ATS standards automatically.
2. Revise active listings, CE will trigger selected listings to be upgraded to meet ATS standards.
3. Active listings applied to new cross promotion will be upgraded to meet ATS standard while refreshing cross promotion content every day.
4. When apply/refresh new cross promotion to active listings, CE will upgrade the selected listings to meet ATS standards.
5. New Action provided in active listings: Upgrade Images URL to HTTPS Access
6. Upgrande Sync from eBay to support downloading images which URL is HTTPS mode.
7. New option HTTPS provided when Generate URL in Images app.
Based on above auto-revise adjustments and no mandatory now, we estimated that system would revise 80%-100% active listings to meet ATS standards before Apple announce the deadline for this change. So, CE users do NOT need to do any modification now.
Please be kindly noted, some special active listings as below would NOT be auto-upgraded
1. Use seller-self templates (not CE basic templates) and these templates include background images or CSS URL.
2. Images on item description was inserted manually, including images hosting on CE.
3. eBay Account is invalid or revoked or limited to some revision action.
Suggestion: Genetrate Image URLs for inserting to description, pls choose HTTPS option.
Updated on 2017.1.10
Improve stability
Improve and enhance the functional aspects
Improve the user experience
Enhance the scalability
Old CopyAs | New CopyAs |
Poor stable due to processed in web client and limited to the network and client computer configuration | More stable due to processed in server side with high configuration and less affected by network; |
Not support 2+ listing templates in different eBay sites in a batch copy source. | Support 2+ listing templates in different eBay Sites in a batch copy source |
Do not support price conversion settings when copy to a different listing format | Support price conversion settings when copy to a different listing format |
Poor user experience: had to wait for the completion of the copy progress bar | Good user experience: users may close the page and do other operations without waiting for the progress bar completed. |
Scalability Limited | Enhance the scalability, may support copy variations or apply default eBay site values in the future. |
Updated on 2016.10.11
Support Replace/Remove Title Keywords.
Support Append Keywords as Prefix/Suffix to Title
Support Clear Subtitle
A Very Useful Title Revision Function
1. Add a new batch task Revise Title (eBay -> Summary -> Batch Tasks)
2. By using replacing keywords feature, it's easy to find and replace the spelling wrong keywords in title which may lead to listings exposure reduced.
3. By using removing keywords feature, it's easy to find and remove all sensitive keywords to avoid eBay Policies such as trademark violation.
4. By using appending prefix/suffix to title feature, it's easy to add some keywords in Title to increase listings exposure. e.g. With the coming of Halloween, you may add Halloween as suffix to title.
5. By using clear subtitle feature, it's easy to saving subtitle fee, since subtitle is a chargeable feature on eBay when launching or refreshing GTC listings.
6. With batch task feature, you don't need to select listing page by page for performing certain actions. You just add a batch task and specify action with filters and the system will search all listings matched the filter and perform action for you.
7. Limit to Professional or above packages
Updated on 2016.09.06
1. Remove lots of useless ended listings can improve search performance.
2. Only ended within 90 days listings can be relisted. Otherwise, it will fail to relisted with error code 17. We recommended to remove all ended listings which have been ended more than 90 days.
3. Improved delete business logic to make sure relisted listings can be launched eBay successfully.
4. To increase new listings exposure, we recommended to launch new listings from listing templates instead of ended without sale history listings or relist ended with sale history listings (sold time in recent couple days).
Updated on 2016.09.06
By using this feature, sellers may use CSV file to revise title/subtitle to active listings.
Only support auction and fixed price listings.
Updated on 2016.09.06
Support batch revise available QTY to a specified qty.
Support batch add/deduct a specified QTY based on current available QTY.
Support batch reset current available QTY with listings initial QTY.
Support batch reset listing templates initial QTY to a specified QTY.
1. Under the menu: eBay -> Summary -> Batch Tasks, add a new batch task Revise Quantity
2. To use the feature, make sure each vairation SKUs specified.
3. Choose a suitable revision action by refered to samples below each actions.
4. Add review result page by click on hyperlinks under success/failed statistics.
5. With batch task feature, you don't need to select listing page by page for performing certain actions. You just add a batch task and specify action with filters and the system will search all listings matched the filter and perform action for you.
6. Limit to Professional or above packages
Updated on 2016.08.25
1. Under the menu: eBay -> Summary -> Batch Tasks, add a new batch task Turn On/Off eBay AutoRefill
2. To use the feature, pls go to App Market and subscibe eBay AutoRefill add-on first.
3. Make sure SKUs specified for each variations before turn on eBay Autorefill setting since SKU is required for AutoRefill features.
4. Add review result page by click on hyperlinks under success/failed statistics.
5. With batch task feature, you don't need to select listing page by page for performing certain actions. You just add a batch task and specify action with filters and the system will search all listings matched the filter and perform action for you.
6. Limit to Starter or above packages
Updated on 2016.08.25
Support import/export eBay listings or listing templates to CSV files.
May create a batch similar listing templates by downloading an empty templates.
Currently, Only Title, SKU, GTIN, MPN in listing templates can be imported/exported.(To be continued)
Limited to Professional or above packages.
Updated on 2016.08.25
Only dectect duplicated Scheduled/Active listings or listing templates existed on CE system.
Detection standard based on duplicated rule created by customers selves.
Custom rules mode suit for suit for many sellers variety of duplicated standard
Support duplicated listings launching interception feature
Updated on 2016.08.09
Add delivery time beside shipping services to help users quickly locate available shipping services.
Updated on 2016.08.09
Add new column Auto Refill Log to active listings. To display the column, pls click on settings and drag the column to right.
Add new sidebar Auto Refill Failed below to Active Listings sidebar. Users may quickly locate the failed auto-refilled listings.
Add two actions in Log page: Submit Failed Replenishment / Cancel Failed Replenishment
Submit Failed Replenishment: This action will submit all failed logs to refill the total failed quantities. The status will change from Refill Failed to Canceled and system will auto-generate a new log about this new replenishment.
Cancel Failed Replenishment: This action will marked as canceled. When the listing no longer need to be refilled, just pls click on Cancel button.
Updated on 2016.07.23
Support 3 promotion rules to enhance listings exposure rate and order conversion rate.
Support auto-add, auto-refresh cross promotion to reduce the cost of human resources management.
Support virtual discount to buyers' inrease purchase intention.
Support static HTML code to suit the new eBay policies to be effective in 2017
(Currently, this feature is only available on some servers, and will be available to all servers soon.)
1. Support Specified Item IDs Promotions. Suit for fixed price listings with GTC duration to be made hot sales.
2. Support Similar Listings Promotions. Suit for a seller who sells in a lot of different categories. Sellers just need to create one cross promotion profile, all active listings may applied and display similar selling listings.
3. Support Custom Promotions. Suit for sellers who want do some multiple customized promotion according to marketing or enterprise requirements.
4. Support Specifying Virtual Discount. It's a fake discount setting. It won't change your real selling price but the selling price will be formated to Current Price / Original Price.
5. Support Auot-Refreshing promoted listings. This action will replace the ended listings on time.
6. Support Auto-Applied cross promotion profiles. Sellers don't need to add promotion profiles to any active listings manually, CE system will auto-add a cross promotion to your active listings which never applied any promotion profiles according to your settings.
7. Support 3 modes management of cross promotions: manual, semi-automatic, fully automatic. Different packages support different management mode.
8. Support different default free available quota for different packages. Support order additional quota to make more active listings can applied cross promotion profiles.
9. All promoted listings belong to the same eBay account with the selling listings, which can avoid from eBay Policy.
1. eBay Listing Profiles : Add a new sidebar Cross Promotion - New;
2. Add two new actions to Active Listings: Apply New Cross Promotion / Refresh New Cross Promotion to eBay. Sellers may selecte active listings and manually apply (Add / Replace / Remove) new cross promotion profiles.
3. Add a New Cross Promotion Column to Active Listings page. Users may customize displayed columns to check refresh status and refresh time about cross promotion.
4. Add Apply New Cross Promotion Batch Task under the sidebar: eBay -> Summary -> Batch Tasks. Sellers may use this semi-automatic management to bulk apply (Add / Replace / Remove) new cross promotion to active listings. (Suit for Professional Package or above)
5. Support Fully Auto Cross Promotion Applied Management. Sellers may enable Auto-Applied settings in Listing Profiles. (Only suit for Business Package)
6. Add Paid Add-ons in App Market: 800 or 1600 or 3200 Available Quota Add-ons
Updated on 2016.06.29
Support Main SKU (Listing SKU) and seperate Main SKU and Variation SKU in CE listings. In the old version, the first variation SKU was the Main SKU.
Support auto-generating variations SKU based on the Main SKU.
Updated on 2016.06.29
1. Support Keep in original folders or a specified folder when create copy eBay Data to another account task.
2. If you choose the option Specified Folder and keep in --select--, new generated listing details will default to "uncategoried" folder.
Updated on 2016.06.28
More convenient to copy data to another seller account than CopyAs function
Specifying seller accouns and exclude filter settings
Copy all data based on filter settings without choose any listing templates
Limited to Professional or above packages available
Updated on 2016.05.18
Specify filters;
Create a delete eBay ended listings batch task;
Delete all ended listings based on your searching filters.
Limited to Professional or above packages available
Remind: Relist an ended listing, then delete the ended listing. The relisted listing will upload failed.
Updated on 2016.05.18
A batch action processedd to all data based on your filter settings
More batch actions will be provided.
Limited to Professional or above packages available
Updated on 2016.05.18
Quick edit listing templates in CSV files and Import the edited file.
Only support eBay 4 columns to be import/export: Title, SKU, GTIN, MPN.
May create a batch similar listing templates by downloading an empty templates
Limited to Business package available
Step 1: Click on "Add" button and choose "Export to CSV file" option;
Step 2: Click on "Next" button, fill a task name, specify filters and choose exported columns, then click on "Save" button.
Step 3: Click on "Reload" to refresh the batch task status. After the export task finished, click on the hyperlink to download the Exported File.
Step 4: Open the CSV file with Excel and edit them.
Step 5: Click on "Add" button and choose "Import CSV file". Upload the CSV file to finish updating listing templates. If update failed, click the hyperlink to check error information.
Suit for sellers who has a few SKU to selling. This kind of sellers may create many listing templates with different Title, GTIN, MPN for a same product or similar items
Step 1: Click on "Add" button and choose "Download empty CSV template" option.
Step 2: Open the empty CSV file, input a listing template ID as a source listing templates, input different title, SKU, GTIN, MPN
Step 3: Click on "Add" button and upload the CSV file, system will auto created a batch listing templates which similar with the source listing template except title, SKU, GTIN, MPN.
Note, To avoid duplicate listing policies, each listing template should has different keywords in title.
Updated on 2016.05.18
eBay Listing Templates: Support specify folder as a filter.
eBay Listing Templates / Listings: Support specify multiple SKUs separated with comma in an accurate mode.
Updated on 2016.05.18
According to eBay Accouncement about USD Currency to be abolished, CE do not support USD Currency when creating a new listing on CA site from now on.
Change 1: When creating a new listing from scratch, sellers cannot select USD Currency in CA site.
Change 2: Do not support Copy As to CA site with USD currency.
Change 3: When creating a new listing by importing an Item listed on CA site with USD currency, system will auto exchange to CAD currency based on the exchangerate.
Updated on 2016.05.18
Support creating a new folder in images displaying section.
Support moving folders including images to another folder
Support deleting folder with images included.
Display last selected folder when moving to folder.
Updated on 2016.04.22
Launching immediately to eBay, the status changes: Scheduled(to current time) -> Uploading->Active or Upload Failed.
Revising active eBay listings, the status changes: Active -> Wait For Revise -> Revising -> Active or Revise Failed.
End active eBay listings, the status changes: Active -> Wait for End -> Ending -> Ended or End Failed
System will auto-recover revised data to keep CE data consistent with eBay once listings are revise failed
This optimization makes users saving time without waiting for revising at processing page and makes system more stable.
Updated on 2016.04.22
The migration tool was removed since leased servers for GlobalLink had been unsubscribed.
If some active listings which had been imported to CE but images or description templates on eBay still are broken, pls update active listings make sure all images are eBay hosted to ChannelEffect instead of GlobalLink.
Choose the action "Replace images hosting & description with CE values" to change image hosting. Note: Only imported active listings from GlobalLink can be revised.
Updated on 2016.04.22
Support Mark as blocked, Mark as Unblocked to some selected listing templates
a new/relisted listing which generated from a blocked listing template cannot be launched to eBay successfully.
Sellers may use "Blocked" function on some out-of-stock SKUs.
Updated on 2016.04.07
Sellers may override auto-relist option when they "Launch" listings from listing templates or "Reschedule" a time for scheduled listings or "Relist" the ended listings.
Many sellers clearly know which relist option is the best after this batch listings ended. It's easier to select what you want.
Updated on 2016.04.07
Updated on 2016.04.07
Updated on 2016.04.07
Easier to launching listings by setting a scheduled time rule(Initial Time + Time Interval).
Saving time by reuse a shortcut.
Always using the updated listing templates when submitting shortcuts.
Semi-automated launching mechanism makes many sellers can rest assured use.
Step 1: Subscribe the add-on eBay listing Shortcut in AppMarket
Step 2: In eBay Listing templates, select Add To Shortcut action and bundle a batch listing details to a new shortcut or an existed shortcut.
Step 3: Schedule a time rule. Specify an initial launching time and a time increment value.
The first listings in each site will be launched at the initial site time and others will be launched by the specified time interval base on a previous listing.
Step 4 (Optional): Specify whether to override durations or auto-relist options.Once the duration or relist options are overrised, any listings launched from the shortcut will apply new duration and relist option. Shortcut Duration: Default to Keep Original Duration(Listing template's duration). Auto-Relist Option: Default to Override with Not Relist option.
Step 5: Select shortucts and submit with a specified date.This action will generate many scheduled listings. If you update listing templates before submitting, these scheduled listings keep consistent value with listing templates. But if you updated after submitting, already scheduled listings would not apply the new updates from listing templates.
Regular Launching Solution:For example, launching a batch auction listings every 5 days.
eBay Promotions For example, free auction listings with specified Duration in 7 or 10 days.
Create a shortcut with an override duration value. Buldle some listing templates which meeting eBay Promotion conditions except for duration to the shortcut.
Updated on 2016.03.31
Retrieve eBay-generated listing recommendations to improve quality of listings and adhere to eBay policies.
These recommendations are returned from eBay.
Sellers can easily filter and revise these active listings according to returned recommendations.
Some recommendation type is only supported by the specified sites.
Title: Retrieve all listings with Titles missing valuable keyword or Item Specifics, or listings with Titles containing keywords that are inaccurate, and which may lead to a bad buyer experience. (Supported on US, UK, Germany and Australia sites)
Images: Retrieve all listings that are not meeting eBay picture quality requirements;
Item Specifics: Rretrieve all items that are missing recommended Item Specifics;
Price: Discover which listings are not optimally priced, and/or which items are in the wrong listing format (fixed-price vs. auction).(Supported on US, UK and Germany sites)
Product Identifier: Informs the seller of any listing which is missing the mandatory product identifier, such as Brand/MPN, UPC, ISBN or EAN.
eTRS: Retrieve all listings that are not meeting one or more Top-Rated listing requirements;
Fnf(Fast 'N Free): Discover which listings do not offer fast handling (same-day handling or handling time of 1 day) and/or a free shipping option. Listings that offer both fast handling and at least one free shipping option get the "Fast 'N Free" badge, which can increase sales. (Supported on US, UK, Germany, Australia, France, Italy, and Spain sites)
Updated on 2016.03.01
Support syncing GL data including active eBay accounts, active listings, products and images.
Support imported folder structures consistent with the original structures.
Support syncing images which only are referenced in active listings or listing details.
Support mapping MerchantRun's templates to CE Basic templates
Step 1: Bind your GlobalLink admin account to your CE account.
Step 2: Configure your syncronization settings: (eBay Accounts, Active listings, Products, Images)
Step 3: Re-sync failed data or re-configure syncronization settings again to sync more data.
Step 4: Update active listings make sure all images are eBay hosted to ChannelEffect instead of GlobalLink. (If not use MerchantRun's templates in GlobalLink, this step can be skipped.
Click here for more helps CE Help, GL Migiration Tool Tutorial.
Updated on 2016.03.14
Support sync listings to sync and Support naming images with SKU
Effectively improve syncing performance
Effectively avoid the waste of space
Suit for all CE accounts
1. Open eBay or Aliexpress application, there is a new sidebar Sync Task
2. Add Sync action to eBay active listings and AliExpress Active/Offline listings.
3. Support only sync new listings which are not existed to CE.
4. Support naming downloaded images with SKU strings. If no SKU for a listing, system will keep the original image name.
5. Support excluding images and item description when syncing. This setting will speed up synchronization progress.
6. Sync from eBay: Create or apply to listing template. When sycing a listing, system will create a listing template at the same time and bind the listing to this listing template.
7. Sync from AliExpress: Support filter settings.
Updated on 2015.12.10
Updated on 2015.12.09
Support sorting features for images
Example: To release available spaces by deleting early launched images, you may sort by "Launched Time ASC".
Updated on 2015.11.17
Easily refresh all groups cross different AliExpress accounts
More intuitively view groups information
Effectively decline managment cost by reasonable groups settings
Phase 1: Groups Settings (Finished); Phase 2: Add/Remove listings to a group (Coming Soon)
To use the feature, pls subscribe the add-on in App Markets first.
Create a new group, system will sync the new group to AliExpress plateform at the same time.
Because Aliexpress doesn't open the API about "Edit/Del/Sorting" function, CE doesn't support these function either.
However, it's available to update the modification to CE by clicking on "Refresh All" button.
Phase 2: Manage listings by groups(Coming Soon)
Updated on 2015.11.17
Quickly locate listings which properties need to be optimized
Friendly remind if there are listings to be optimized
Optimize properties to increase exposure rate
Effectively avoid failed launching due to missing properties
Due to AliExpress Platform often update attribute name and value, sellers often found their listings are missing required properties sometimes.
Subscribe the Add-on, sellers may quickly locate these listings.
How to optimize attributes?
Step 1: Choose on one of listings and click on "Edit" button, then click on "Filled" hyperlink beside "Item Specifics";
Step 2: Remove blank textbox and add new missing specifics at the bottom of Item Specifics Helper;
Step 3: Click on "Apply" button and back to Product Helper then click on "Save" to finish your action.
Updated on 2015.11.03
Support setting different product identified code (eg: UPC/EAN/ISBN) for each variations
Support apply all variations to eBay default values, CE will auto-apply the correct value according to Site-language.
Increase product exposure rate
Updated on 2015.10.20
Updated on 2015.10.20
Only suit for active listings which duration is GTC and eBay account has enabled "Out-of-Stock" setting
Keep listings active with sales history
Quickly locate listings which are out of stock
Effectively prevent oversold with real inventory
Firstly, go to eBay site. Click on "My Account -> Site Preference" tab.
Secondly, checked on "Yes" for "Use the out-of-stock-option" in "Selling Preferences" section.
All active eBay listings with GTC duration will auto-apply the out-of-stock setting.
Keep listings ACTIVE even if available quantity is zero.
Revise Quantity to 0, listings will be out-of-stock; revise Quantity to 5, that means, revise available qty to 5 and listings may be searched by buyers.
Updated on 2015.10.08
Suitable for SMT Listings, eBay Listings, eBay Listing Templates(CE defalut folders)
Not suitable for folders created by users in eBay listing templates.
Different statistic result for different users.
Updated on 2015.9.10
Add two setting sections to a role. Permissions for eBay Listings and Permissions for AliExpress Listings.
Default to manage all channel accounts / eBay sites, if a role is specified to any permissions for eBay|SMT listings.
Users may inherit to the role permissions.
eBay Global Filter and AE Global Filter will be no longer effective as soon as users subscribe this add-on.
Updated on 2015.09.17
Easy to mark as unused for eBay or SMT accounts which are no longer used in CE system.
Release used channel accounts by marking as unused feature.
Remove listing data which belong to unused channel accounts.
Re-use a channel account by marking as used feature.
A channel account can be marked as unused even if existing active listings which belong to this channel account.
Cannot mark as used for channel accounts which are bing used in another CE account.
No data exchange between CE and Platform and no listings data shown in CE.
Updated on 2015.09.10
Only support for eBay Listings & eBay Listing Templates
Support conditions which value is new without box or new without tag or used or refurbished ...etc.
Support editing in bulk editor and system just auto-applies value to available conditions.
Updated on 2015.9.10
Suitable for SMT Listings, eBay Listings, eBay Listing Templates(CE defalut folders)
Not suitable for folders created by users in eBay listing templates.
Different statistic result for different users.
Updated on 2015.9.10
Updated on 2015.09.10
Updated on 2015.09.10
Enable AliExpress Global Filter, only display stores which are selected in settings.
Disable AE Global Filter, display all listings. Users may copy products to another AE store.
Saving time on listings managerment.
Updated on 2015.08.27
Simple and convenient.
Includes all add-ons relates to eBay Listings:
Related Add-ons: Copy As, eBay Global Filters, Bulk Price Adjuster , Bulk Editor, Auto-Refill,...etc.,
Suitable for sellers who are more familiar with the operation of eBay listings.
Updated on 2015.08.12
Updated on 2015.08.03
Updated on 2015.08.03
Updated on 2015.07.15
Updated on 2015.07.10
Updated on 2015.06.28